4 Excellent Web Resources You Might Not Know About

Pastor Bob O'Bannon

Years ago, before the Internet, I came across a reformed tape library catalog that allowed a person to order cassette tapes of sermons and lectures given by reformed pastors and theologians. I would rummage through the catalog, looking for interesting topics and favorite speakers. Then I would complete the order form at the back of the catalog, put it in an envelope with my payment, drop it in the mail box and wait patiently for my tapes to arrive weeks later.

Today that process seems like such a burden! Now, I just sit down at my computer, press a couple of buttons, and hear my favorite speakers immediately – for free. When it comes to Christian teaching and preaching resources, we happen to have an embarrassment of riches right at our fingertips on the Internet.

If you’re reading this blog, you know this already. And you are probably familiar with some of the more popular Christian Web resources, like the Gospel Coalition, Bible Gateway, SermonAudio, DesiringGod, Monergism, etc. But since there is such an abundance of resources available, there are many you might not know about. It is these lesser known Web resources that I offer here for your consideration:

1) The Aquila Report – This is the site I visit most often. It is a collection of Web articles and blogs written about a wide variety of cultural, theological and church-related topics, with frequent inclusion of events occurring in the PCA. Each day several new articles are added, with topics ranging from reviews of the movie “Noah” to the spread of Shariah law in North Africa to the causes of spiritual depression to the latest development in the same-sex marriage debate.

2) Mars Hill Audio – No, this is not Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill church. This is Mars Hill Audio, which has been hosted by Ken Myers since 1993. Its purpose is to “help Christians who desire to move from thoughtless consumption of contemporary culture to a vantage point of thoughtful engagement.” Each “audio journal” features several guests (mostly academics) who are interviewed by Myers in a way very similar to the style of interview you might hear on NPR radio. The most recent journal, for instance, includes discussions of the life and thought of Abraham Kuyper; how access to recordings enables a deeper understanding of music; and how the life of the Trinity calls us to lives of generosity. You must subscribe to hear all the segments, but click on “Fresh Tracks” to sample a free download.

3) Reformed Forum – This site offers weekly conversations on a host of Biblical and theological subjects, all from the perspective of reformed Presbyterianism. The dialogue can get pretty deep in the weeds theologically, but the hosts are witty, engaging and easy to listen to, so don’t be put off by the heavy subject matter. Guests most often are authors of recently released books, leading to discussions on topics like the question of canon, Warfield on the inspiration of the Bible, antinomianism, and how to develop a theology of productivity. Listen and learn!

4) Unashamed Workman – This is a Web site designed especially to instruct, refresh and encourage preachers. It offers a wealth of very practical and challenging articles on how to be a better preacher, including an ongoing series called “10 Questions,” where 10 questions about preaching are posed to a number of leading Gospel proclaimers, such as Tim Keller, Matt Chandler, Phil Ryken, Thabiti Anyabwile, Tim Chester, and many others.