Worship Team

The worship team at New Life exists to serve the congregation by leading music for our Sunday morning worship service as we corporately practice our core value of Adoration. Our aim is first and foremost to worship the Lord out of obedience to Scripture (Psalm 100:2), out of gratitude for all He has done for us (Psalm 150), and in response to the preached Word through singing and playing theologically sound songs to Him, that our affections for Jesus Christ might be stirred.

Worship Band

The band uses many types of instrumentalists and voices and is always looking for new members. Each week, the team gathers to practice one time during the week and then arrives before the Sunday service to rehearse and lead the congregation in songs of praise and adoration of our Lord.

Tech Team

The vision of the tech team is to create an atmosphere in the sanctuary in which all of those gathered, in-person or online, can participate fully in worship with minimal distraction. We work with the leadership of the church and worship band to facilitate components of each service and special events, from music to announcements to sermon projections. One volunteer runs the sound board, another runs the slides & livestream. Training is provided.

How To Get Involved

Click the link below if you are interested in joining the worship team or would like more information.